'We review the Life Miniatures Joachim Peiper bust in 1/10 scale'
by Adam Norenberg
Sang-Eon Lee’s new company Life Miniatures has released a photo-realistic large scale (1/10th) bust of the controversial figure of Joachim "Jochen" Peiper. Peiper - an SS commander during WWII was tried and convicted for being in command of troops who participated in the “Malmédy Massacre”. Well we will cut past these other considerations and show you this bust as it comes in its box – we also put it together to show you the finer details

Sang Eon Lee's Life Miniatures 1st Division Marine from Guadalcanal bust reviewed
Hot on the heels of the first pieces from Life Miniatures (the 1/10th scale bust of a Vietnam War Photographer 1971 and Joachim Peiper) comes the latest in Sang Eon Lee’s magnificent range of figures. This one will suit the pacific WWII guys – or anyone who likes to model one of the “Leathernecks”
It is a bust of a WW2 USMC 1st Division marine from Guadalcanal 1942; we construct him and see if he’s made of “The right stuff” in our review…

Sang Eon Lee's Waffen SS Infantryman Ardennes comes to "Life"
Sang Eon Lee has a new figure in his series of busts in the Life Miniatures range of figure busts – this figure of a German SS soldier in World War II captured in December of 1944 in the Ardennes forest . we will look at him and put him together in detail in our review..

We review the new Winston Churchill bust in 1/9th scale from Life Miniatures
Life Miniatures have sculpted a much loved and controversial figure this month. They have released in 1/9th scale the bust of none other than former Prime Minister of Great Britain Mr. Winston Churchill. We look him over - and his three head choices - in our review

We review the new Life Miniatures 6th army Stalingrad bust in 1/10th scale from Life Miniatures...
The scene is Stalingrad, the time October 1942 – and Life Miniatures was on hand to capture this German soldier in their latest sculpt – luckily we were on hand to review it as soon as it came out – let’s go back and have a look what we thought…

We review Life Miniatures new 1/9th scale bust – ladies and gentlemen be upstanding for Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Sang Eon Lee’s company Life Miniatures is one of those small but perfectly formed model making companies that turns out quality bust after bust – their latest in 1/9th scale bust is another large personality of the Second World War and later the Korean conflict – So in time for the 60th anniversary of the Korean war we have for review - General Douglas MacArthur…

Life Miniatures 1/10th scale bust - "MG42 Tripod Carrier, Totenkopf Division, Kharkov 1943" in review and construction
We have the latest and most complicated work from Life Miniatures bust range in 1/10th scale - Sang Eon Lee has tried to capture 1/10th scale bust - "MG42 Tripod Carrier, Totenkopf Division, Kharkov 1943" in review and construction. Let’s see if he was shooting straight.

Review: Life Miniature's new bust - "The Few"
Today we are lucky enough to get one of the new bust from Sang Eon Lee’s company Life Miniatures– either it is a bust of an RAF pilot in the battle of Britain or it is a man with a head of a human and that of a dog? Seriously let’s look at his Battle of Britain pilot and his pooch in our build review of “The Few”

Review: Life Miniature's new bust - "Monty" bust in 1/9th scale
Today we are lucky enough to review the new bust from Sang Eon Lee’s company Life Miniatures – This one features the man who saved the Allies in Africa and many other theatres of the war (depending who you talk to) 'Bernard Law Montgomery'

True to “Life” Sang on Lee’s new bust re-create's history of a history re-created and re-viewed..
Sang Eon Lee’s company Life Miniatures” has just been lifting the bar further and further and it looks like their latest release has raise the emotional bar higher with his own story to tell. We have the kit built up and the picture that inspired the sculpt in today's review

Review: Sang Eon Lee sculpts Marilyn in a new bust for Life Miniatures.
It seems Sang Eon Lee from Life Miniatures has yet again outdone himself and our expectations – he has made a sculpt of Marilyn Monroe as his latest release that has got a lot of people excited. Let’s have a look at her to see if she is as beautiful in resin in our review...

Construction Review: Paul Von Hindenburg brought to LIFE by Sang Eon Lee in his latest figure sculpt
Life Miniatures has their latest figure released in focus with yet another historical figure that you may have seen in a picture - Paul Von Hindenburg - we have a copy of this bust and thought what better way for you to see him than for us to put him together